Owning a swimming pool comes with responsibilities, most of which benefit you and anyone using your pool on a regular basis. Keeping it clean, well maintained and properly balanced with pool chemicals offers better assurance that the pool’s structure and features will last a long time. Proper care and maintenance are also important for human health reasons. The time will come when the pool liner—the component that acts as a... View Article
A brand-new liner in an in-ground swimming pool changes the overall feel of the pool for the better. The water feels and smells fresher. The pool itself looks cleaner than it ever did before. But, like many pool owners, you might be wondering when that “new-pool look” will begin to fade, and when repairs are likely to be necessary—including to the liner. With this in mind, how long do vinyl... View Article
It might be the dead of winter, but pool season will be here again before you know it. In addition to the traditional “go to the gym more,” “spend more time with family and friends” and “finally clean out my closet once and for all” resolutions, you might consider making your pool your goal-setting focus for 2020. Not only is it smart to take care of one of your home’s... View Article
Just because the temperature has dropped and you’ve closed your pool for the winter doesn’t mean you can sit by and ignore it until the first spring flowers bloom. Your pool’s ecosystem doesn’t stop functioning when you stop using it. Left untended through the harsh winter season, your pool can develop all sorts of issues that make it difficult to open in the spring. If you’re hoping to avoid costly... View Article
Even though the tarp has long been dragged over the top of your pool, the floaty toys have been deflated and the fun-time foam noodles have been packed away, the joy of swimming is still there—especially for those people who find nothing more soothing than taking a lap across the surface of their pool or floating lazily across the top of the water as the sun beats down on them.... View Article